Max Firebaugh

Maxwell Warren Firebaugh

November 2, 2001 - June 12, 2024


Max Firebaugh passed away unexpectedly on 6/12/24 at his home in Racine, Wisconsin after a long and valiant struggle with mental illness.

Max was born in La Crosse, Wisconsin in 2001 to Steven Morris Firebaugh and Kristin Kaela Warren. Max was raised on his family's farm near Readstown, Wisconsin. He graduated from Viroqua High School in 2020. Max worked at Nelson Agri-Center in Viroqua before moving to Racine. There he attended Gateway Technical College and graduated with a Motorcycle, Marine and Outdoor Power Products technical diploma in 2024. During his time in Racine, Max worked at Douglas Hardware as a small engine mechanic.

Max was a warm, gentle, friendly man who loved to meet and talk with people. He was especially gifted at reaching out to people when they needed a friend. He was a spiritual seeker and explored many religious faiths and philosophies. Max had a keen and reverent eye for all the beauty of the natural world. His ability to share his joy and vision of nature often made an outdoor walk with him a wondrous experience.

Max is survived by his grieving parents and older brother Raymond Arthur Firebaugh, his paternal Grandmother Joyce Firebaugh, his paternal Aunt Susie (Jeff) Falk, his maternal Aunts Kale (Wayne Smith) Warren, Kim (Dale Greenwalt) Warren, Nancy (Joe) Scheffey, Jill (Greg Shifflett) Warren, his maternal Uncles Larry (Jo Etta) Warren and Michael Warren, his cousins, especially Maddie and Lance Falk, other close relatives, and his dear friends.

Max was preceded in death by his maternal Grandparents Harry L. Warren and Jean D. Warren, and his paternal Grandfather Morris W. Firebaugh.

The family will hold a celebration of Max's life at a later date.

Funeral home version with guestbook.

Guestbook entries

(mirrored from funeral home site)

Hannah Gauthier says

I am so heartbroken to hear of Max's passing. Please accept my condolences. Max was a wonderful person. I enjoyed working with him at Proline Printing and our back and forth banter. Max had a way of communicating with people that you don't see in most younger people. He was still in high school but presented himself in a way that made it feel like you were speaking with a more seasoned young adult. The world will be a little dimmer without his light. I am just so sorry for your loss.

Lisa Scott Ptacek says

My heart breaks for you. Max appeared at Folk Dancing one night, and we instantly fell in love with him. Absolutely and completely. He was playful and full of joy, and we had such fun with him. He's been on my mind these past few weeks, and I'm devastated to learn of the loss of this beautiful young man. I hold you in my heart, sending you wave upon wave of love and comfort. ❤

Melinda says

Max was an amazing young man. He was my neighbor and was always quick to volunteer to help me carry my groceries in the house or move something heavy for me if he was available.

I thank God for the times we did share in conversation and laughter, He always had a smile on his face. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew everyone in the complex bcuz he was that friendly.

I will never forget his smile and the way he talked ( his voice always reminded me of a radio announcer).

He would always light up when he spoke of his grandmother and parents.

He will be missed greatly. 😞

I pray God's peace and comfort over his family in this difficult time.

Gregory E. Mason says

Max was such a delight and fun to talk with. When he came to church with his grandmother, Joyce, he always offered to help with anything that needed to be done. My heart breaks for his family and all that knew him for the loss of this treasure known as Max. He is no longer in pain.

Anonymous says

Max was a kind person and made others feel seen. He will be remembered and missed. Praying for his family and all who knew him.

Anonymous says

I only met Max once. He was a fantastic conversationalist and had me smiling and laughing the whole night we talked. Our mutual friends tell me that he had that effect on everyone he talked with. Despite barely knowing him, I can say with conviction that he was a good man. I grieve to hear that I won't be able to sit down and laugh with him again. All the best to his family; they truly produced a wonderful person.

Anonymous says

I only knew Max a few short years and I wish it had been longer! He was always a ray of sunshine and I will cherish each conversation we had! His smile could light up any room. My heart is broken for Max's family, I pray they can find peace knowing Max is no longer struggling. Please accept my condolences during this difficult time.

Anonymous says

Max was such a kind soul. I only knew him a few short years and wish it had been longer. I enjoyed each conversation we had, he always had a smile on his face that could light up a whole room. I pray his family can find peace. Please accept my condolences during this difficult time.

Victoria Brushwood says

Max was a dear and true friend to me and so many others. He was a joy to be around and spend time with. So bright and intelligent, full of kindness and laughter. He had a great sense of humor!

He was always there to help and always went the extra mile for others. He drove me to and from college classes for a whole semester when my car broke down. Not many people would do that. I am so grateful and blessed to have had him as a friend and I will carry the memories of times we spent together forever. I pray for healing and comfort for all of Max's loved ones, as I know he was loved by so many.

Thank you Max for being the best friend anyone could ask for, and I'll see you again someday.

Anonymous says

Max was one of the kindest souls that myself & friends were very lucky to have. He payed attention to the little things in life & made sure everyone around him felt seen. I only knew him for a short period of time, but when you meet someone so gentle & kind it feels like you have known them for a life time.

I am so grateful to be able to call Max a friend & wish his family my deepest sympathies & condolences. May we meet again someday buddy. ❤

Anita Cordova says

My condolences to Max's family, he was such a kind old sole. We will miss his smiling face and conversations. Rest in peace now Max 😞

Jody & Dan Ames says

Such a polite & pleasant young man! We are in disbelief and very emotional now. Our thoughts & prayers to the family. May his spirit carry on thru the lives of his loved ones and those lucky enuf to have crossed paths with him. God Bless his beautiful soul!

Marybeth Zuhlke says

My heart goes out to Max's family. I saw him a few times at OBUUC with his grandmother Joyce. His smile and kind ways were very special. He will live on in our hearts forever. Peace, love, and sympathy to his family and all who knew him!

Joe, Julie and Hunter Roberts says

We are all grieving the tragic loss of Max . He was a kind, thoughtful soul who was beloved by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. It was truly a joy to see Max at church and he was always quick to lend a helping hand. Please accept our deepest condolences and don't hesitate to reach out if we can assist in any way. Prayers of peace and consolation for you.

Anonymous says

My deepest condolences to Max's family. Max was a very thoughtful and considerate young man and I enjoyed the conversations we would have. My thoughts and prayers are with you .

Kris Jenkins says

I am so terribly sorry to hear of the passing of Max. My heart breaks for his family.

Anna Keefe says

Max had such a gentle heart and kind personality. He always took a genuine interest in any conversation he had with us. It was always a pleasure to be able to talk with him. It broke my heart to hear the news of his passing. My thoughts and prayers are with your whole family.

Lenja und Eike says

Lieber Max,

ich bedaure zutiefst, Dich nicht persönlich kennengelernt zu haben.

Lenja und ich hatten uns so sehr auf Deinen Besuch in Deutschland gefreut und wollten Dir so viel zeigen.

Sehr traurig und bestürzt sind wir nun von der Nachricht und können es nicht in Worte fassen.

Möge es Dir an Deinem jetzigen Ort besser gehen.

Ruhe in Frieden

Unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme gilt der Familie und allen anderen Angehörigen und Freunden.

Dear Max,
I deeply regret not having met you in person.
Lenja and I were so looking forward to your visit to Germany and wanted to show you so much.
We are very sad and dismayed by the news and cannot put it into words.
May you feel better where you are now.
Rest in peace
Our sincere condolences go out to the family and all other relatives and friends.
Brenda Corr says

I remember Max and Ray coming to my place for horse lessons when they were in grade school. And although I lost touch with them as they got older I hold fond memories of working with them both. Max was very tentative about being in the presence of a horse and although he worked with a small pony he still found the concept of them working in sync a bit terrifying. He stood on the opposite side of the wooden fence and I handed him the lead rope. From there he grew in confidence and in no time the two were working side-by-side. By the end of their endeavor together he was riding that spunky pony around the arena and wasn't even phased when he offered a small buck. I was really proud of how far he had come. It wasn't easy for him to face the fears he held inside but he did. John Wayne once said, 'Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.' That is exactly what Max did and it was quite an inspiration. And although I have no words to alleviate your sufferings Steve, Kaela and Ray be assured you are all in our prayers. God bless you.

Anonymous says

Max was one of the gentlest souls I've ever known. If you were with Max, you felt safe. You felt calm. You felt good. It's not fair that this beautiful spirit had to be taken from us so quickly. I hope his gentle soul is at rest.

I pray for him and his family during this troubling time.

James Hopkins says

Max Firebaugh was my best friend for sixteen years. He was by my side through my entire youth and I couldn't have asked for a better friend. I'll always cherish the hours on end we would talk about anything and everything. Max was a very intelligent man and a courageous individual. Max stood up for what he believed in, even if he stood alone. He had the Grit of John Wayne but the compassion of Fred Rogers. He was always willing to listen and helped anyone that he could even if he didn't necessarily approve of their ways.

I'll never forget the enthusiasm and joy in his voice every time I called him and he answered the phone. I will never forget the hours we walked his property and he gave me a lesson on the different types of trees and animals. I will never forget him sitting in the passenger seat of my car on our many adventures. I will never forget watching political debates in my basement and then retreating to my back deck on warm summer nights in 2019. I'll miss laughing over the dozens of inside jokes him and I developed over the years. But most of all I will miss our traditions, especially our annual Christmas phone call.

Max Firebaugh was a selfless individual. When I was in basic training he never forgot me as he wrote to me twice while I was there. I still have those letters. Even after highschool we never lost contact. He was a true friend, the best a man could ever hope for. I am thankful that the lord put him in my life all of these years. Goodbye old friend and may you rest in peace.

To the Firebaugh family' I give you my deepest condolences. You have been in my prayers and will continue to be. May God bless you.

Becky Noble says

My deepest condolences go out to the Firebaughs. Max was delightful -- he made you feel you were the most important person in the room when he conversed with you. He would humbly add his fascinating knowledge of various subjects to the topic at hand. Max's smile was charming and his warmth effusive. We've been blessed to have known Max.

Linda Hughes says

I am so sorry for your loss. I just met Maxwell and thought he was such a nice young man. May God give your family the healing and comfort you need at this time. Your family is in my prayers.

Kaufmaennische Schulen, Hanau, Germany says

We met Max as a member of the 'International Club' of Gateway Technical College last year in October as he was interested in taking part in the exchange program between Gateway Technical College and Kaufmaennische Schulen in Hanau, Gemany.

He was as a very open, communicative and joyful person who was easy to like and whom we would have loved to host and show Germany. He had even already established personal friendships in the short time he got in contact with our group, such was his endearing personality. We were very sad to hear that he wouldn't make it to Germany and it is even more devastating to find out about the tragic circumstances of his cancellation.

Please accept our heartfelt condolences about your tragic loss.

Shawn Renfro says

I know I'm probably a bit late to this. I'd only found out earlier today. (Or yesterday. It's after midnight now).

Max a dear friend to me throughout highschool and I've made a lot of fond memories with him which is how I will always remember him. The walks into the woods on his family's land and the fort which probably still sits half completed somewhere deep in the forest. I'm going to miss him. But I'm proud to have had him become a good part of my life. (I'm sure if he read this, he'd be trying to get me to tell the story right. Lol.)

Jonah Abt says

I was good friends with Max throughout middle and high school. We never really talked outside of school but he had a bubbly personality and was there for me through rough times. I cherish the times we'd joke around in shop class cry-laughing over something silly. He is sorely missed and may he rest in peace.

Mary Pirrello says

So sorry for the loss of this young man for the family. Joyce Firebaugh you will be in my thoughts as you navigate the tragic loss of your grandson with your family.

Kallista Conrad says

I knew Max throughout all of our school years, he was always quiet and observant. He was truly a gentle soul and seemed to know if things weren't the best for you and offer a little extra compassion. So sad to see such a gentle, caring and kind person taken from us so soon. I will always appreciate the passing conversations we had and listening to his jokes in classes.

My greatest sympathy is sent out to the family, Max was a one of a kind person. ❤

Amanda Gegare says

Max was such a kind, genuine, and caring young man. He was like family to us. My sympathy, thoughts, and prayers are with his family. May you find peace, comfort, and healing during this time of loss. Max will be greatly missed, but his memory will live on in all of our hearts.

Danyel Dukes says

I'd only known Max for a short amount of time (less than a year), but no one's left a better impression on me than Max. Max was pure-spirited to his core with a spirit that radiated warmth and love. During our first conversation, I was questioning if Max had known me from somewhere and I'd possibly forgotten him. Max spoke to me, included me, and engaged with me as if we were lifelong friends despite us only meeting minutes prior.

Max and I immediately clicked, and he supported me in ways that people I'd known for years didn't. Max was extremely giving and selfless, being the first to arrive to an endeavor I'd hosted, offering assistance the entire time, and being the last to go, refusing to leave until I no longer needed assistance.

I've never in life met someone as lively, pure, giving, sweet, selfless, and full of life as Max. He will truly be missed. I offer my deepest condolences to Max's family and will continue keeping them lifted in prayer.

Max is a representation of what we should all strive to be as humans: caring, loving, and giving.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."
Matthew 5:8

Frank and Karen McCoy says

It is with a very saddened heart that I write this note to our dear Max in heaven. I loved to sit by you in Church as you were always upbeat and special. When I told you about losing my grandson, Max, you were so kind and filled my heart with so many good words. You reminded me so much of my Max and always happy. My heart breaks for your family left behind and know that you are in a great place and we will meet again some day.